Newsletter #60

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Bridge Vid 

Bridge is about minimising mistakes and avoiding disasters.  

New joint initative:  Kibitz the Pros

New look website tour video 

Featured lesson:  Transfers over 1C openings

Triple Dummy- This Thursday (tech issues last week) 

What should the standard of proof be:  The results are in

This week’s poll:  Player behaviour regulation

Click HERE to watch a tour video of our new look website

Last week’s poll results

The votes were roughly evenly split this week.  A couple of interesting things were pointed out.  One member noted that the question is a completely different ball game at different levels.  At a club level many innocent irregularities are made, at the highest levels of the game a harsher stance should be taken.  It has also been mentioned that getting to “beyond a reasonable doubt” is tricky in these situations.  We have all had moments of flare that have worked out or “taken a view”.  With the luxury of time to prepare defence and rationales such as “I had a table feel” or “I thought it was right at that stage” can an argument really be mounted to beyond all reasonable doubt short of having a hard copy of any code or planting a wire!


This week’s poll

Player behaviour…….we have all experienced horrible incidents at the table.  Is this just part of the game or should behaviour be better regulated.  If so who is responsible and how should it be done?



Kibitz the Pros (in conjunction with The Common Game-TCG)  Fri 11.00

Since the start of the year we have been providing video commentary for the Wednesday night common game session.  They have started a new initiative, similar to commentated play.  Four pros play 5 of the same boards that are played that morning in the USA.  Each pro live streams and the videos are posted to TCG site at  Effectively its a commentated play session with insights into all four pros thought processes on a hand.    


Talk back (new segment) 19.00 Mon

Talk Back ran for the first time on Monday.  

Topics discussed: Improving your thought process technique, player behaviour and how to deal with it, equal level conversion, what’s trending and the standard of proof when determining cheating.  

To watch session one click here:

To take part in the Talk Back segment you will simply need to send us an email at or submit a topic on the Talk Back Forum HERE.   All topics submitted via the forum and email will be posted on the Forum page where BV members can make comments.  

If you are willing to Skype during the session please don’t forget to send us your Skype username so that we can add you live. 


This week’s featured lesson 11.00 Thu

Last week’s Daily Dose on Transfer responses to 1C openings was very popular.  Thanks to a request that will this week’s featured lesson.  To view the daily dose (members) click the link:



Triple Dummy

Triple Dummy didn’t run last week because Nick had some technology problems so it’s on this week.

If you would like to suggest a triple dummy topic email us at or post on the forum HERE.

Watch past episodes of Triple Dummy (FREE) HERE.

To find out how to watch live and what time the session is in your part of the world click HERE.




Reboot your Bridge 12.00 Friday

Reboot your bridge has now explored the techniques and considerations when planning the play in a suit contract.  This week we will look at the logical process of putting it all together, evaluating your options and executing the plan. 

Click HERE to start rebooting your bridge. 


 This week’s schedule

Thursday 11.00: Transfers over a 1C opening

Thursday 13.00: Free Daylong Tournament (unless we have a challenge)

Thursday 18.00:  Triple Dummy – El is back!

Friday 11.00: Kibitz the Pros

Friday 12.00: Boot Camp week 3:  Planning the play in a suit contract- the full plan. 

Monday:  9.00: Beginners with Laura: 

Monday:  19.00:  Talk back episode 2

Monday: 20.00: Game with Jane

Tuesday: 15.00:  Weekly free tournament #52

Tuesday 16.00:  Commentated play   

To find out how to watch live or what time the session is in your part of the world click HERE


Website overhaul

The overhaul has begun!

Last week we converted to our new look homepage and video library.  There are still bits and pieces that we are in the process of changing but the main slog is complete.

Our main aims of the changes are to make it easier to navigate and find your way around and also make it easier to interact with us.

If you are having any trouble finding your way around please don’t hesitate to email us.  

We would also love to hear any feedback that you have on the new design. 

If you would like to go on a tour of the new site click here:



Want to get in touch with us?  Email

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