Interviews and profiles

Profile: Laura Ginnan (Tournament liaison and director)

laura head shot

How long have you been playing bridge: 20 years! but only seriously for about 9.

Where was your first national event: Canberra actually, I grew up there.

What's your favourite convention: Stayman, there are so many uses when you know the in's and out's.

Favourite card: The 7D. If you are declarer and win it on the last trick of the hand you partner owes you a beer or a wine. There are a couple of catches, diamonds can't be trumps and you must make your contract.

Favourite bridge moment: My partner and I had a bidding disaster! He forgot our system and we ended up in 6NTX. When the dummy came down the whole table burst into laughter. Partner had shown 20 points and 5+ spades. They put down 6 points and 2 spades. We went for -2000!


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