Category: Interesting Hands
Grand Slam
Check out this interesting Grand Slam bidding problem
Over Bid Then Safety Play
In this interesting hand I start by over bidding my hand but get to a really good contract which allows me to perform a safety play.
Should Have Kept The Two
In this awesomely played hand by the robot. I could have done better keeping a two. I certainly didn’t see this coming.
Safety Slam
Sometimes you bid to a good slam – now it is time to play it as safely as possible.
Something Odd Happened
In this hand something odd happened. When something odd happens take some time and work out exactly what is going on. There is a lot of information to be worked out, take your time.
No Bath
This interesting hand I turn down trying to play a Bath coup for a different line of play.
Timing Is Everything
This hand highlights how important timing and entries are for making all the tricks you possibly can.
Hard Earned Down One
This hand took a lot of effort just to go down by one trick.