Alexandra beginner lessons

Lesson 1 video summary 

For lesson 1 supplementary videos scroll down further

Lesson 1 Summary Video

- How the game works
- Mechanics of the game
- Player names
- Positions in the card play
- Introduction to the bidding
- Levels of the bidding
- Linking the bidding and play
- High card points

Lesson 2 video summary 

For lesson 2 supplementary videos scroll down further

Lesson 2 Summary Video

- Purpose of the bidding
- Players in the bidding
- Link between high card points and the bidding
- Choosing an opening bid
- Raising partner
- Determining the declarer, dummy and defender on lead

Lesson 3 video summary 

For lesson 3 supplementary videos scroll down further (coming soon)

Lesson 3 Summary Video

- Raising partner recap
- Responder must bid with 6+ HCP
- Responding with a bid of a new suit
- Responder can only make a bid at the 1 level with 6-9 points
- Responder's bid of a new suit promises 4+ cards

Lesson 1 supplementary videos

Following suit

Following suit is the most important rule in the card play of bridge. Once a trick has been led to you must play a card of that same suit if you can. If you can't play a card of that suit you can discard or trump (if there is a trump suit). Failing to follow suit is called a revoke. If you revoke the Director (bridge umpire) is called to your table and you might have to give the opponents extra tricks!

How the card play works

The card play is the second stage of bridge after the bidding. 13 tricks are played. The play may have a trump suit (boss suit) which is better than any other suit or may be played in no trumps where there is no boss suit and you can only win a trick if you can follow suit.

The levels of the bidding

The bidding is like any other auction. There is a reserve and all bids must beat previous bids. The bet is for choosing trumps and how many tricks that you are trying to take. Unlike a standard auction the bidding proceeds in rounds and you can only call when it is your turn. The auction finishes when there are three passes in a row.

Counting high card points

High card points are used as a numeric measurement which looks at how many tricks a hand is likely to take during the card play. They are not only used as a guide of the number of tricks to be taken but are also used in the bidding of every hand of bridge as a guide to whether or not you should make a bid. Counting HCP are added for each card in your hand of honour rank: each Ace=4, each King=3, each Queen=2, each Jack=1.

Lesson 2 supplementary videos

Choosing an opening bid

The opening bid is the first bid in an auction other than pass. The opening bid aims to start the bidding conversation.

Responder:  Raising a suit opening

The responder is the partner of the opener. Their first priority is to raise their partner if they have a fit and 6+ points. They must choose the correct level to raise to in order to convey the number of points they hold.

Card play tips (not covered in the lessons)

Drawing trumps

Drawing trumps is a card play technique used by the declarer. It is sometimes used during the play of a bridge hand to ensure that the defenders are not able to trump tricks that you would normally win.

The direct finesse

The direct finesse is a card play technique used by declarer that can generate tricks for your side that you don't normally deserve to take.